What is WeFi?

What is WeFi?

Welcome to the world’s First Web3 decentralized social Network investment platform!

丨Why do we take the road of Web3 decentralization?

The development of the Internet is moving from Web2 to Web3, realizing the value of the Internet characterized by Web3. Web2 is a centralized platform economy with typical features: The platform side provides the foundation, introduces traffic, owns the platform, controls the platform, and makes money from the platform, which has become a typical paradigm of Web2.

Web2’s centralized network has helped billions of people integrate into the Internet and create a stable, reliable infrastructure on top of it. At the same time, a few centralized giants have almost monopolized the Internet and can even do whatever they want.

The original intention of Web3 is to break the drawbacks brought by this monopoly. Different from the traditional Internet monopolized by technology giants, Web3 adopts decentralization. The typical paradigm of Web3 is: who creates, who owns, who benefits. This also represents a brand-new value. We prefer such values ​​to become the background and operating rules of WeFi’s creation and development.

Although Web3 represents the future development trend, new things are always accompanied by pains, and there are also pain points and difficulties that need to be solved urgently in the development process of Web3.

The pain point of Web3 is the entry point, find the balance between socialization and investment

1: Web3 investment decision-making information sources are single and scattered, making it difficult to build a complete puzzle.

In Web3, DApp users seem to have become accustomed to tracking project product developments and information on Twitter, communicating topics related to the digital economy in Discord, and flooding the project’s social groups. These are all centralized, Single and decentralized information presentations.

It is difficult for users to obtain sufficient and necessary information to construct a complete investment decision-making puzzle. They often rely on friends, third-party media, or KOLs to make one-sided investment decisions, and may even be “rhythmized” intentionally or unintentionally. “harvest”.

2: The value of Web3 can be expected but there is a lack of users and the scale effect is difficult to present.

According to A16Z’s “2022 Cryptocurrency Summary Report”, it is roughly estimated that there are 7 million to 50 million active Ethereum users in the world today (Ethereum is currently the main ecology of Web3), plus inactive users, Web3’s user scale is about About 200 million, equivalent to 1/25 of the global Internet user scale (close to 5 billion).


What is WeFi?

Web3 is still in a very early stage and is currently equivalent to the development stage of the traditional Internet around 1995. But the user value of Web3 has been highlighted. Traditional Internet users often “vote with their feet”, while Web3 users enter the DApp “with the assets in their wallets”. Obviously, they will bring greater value to the DApp.

With the rapid growth of Web3 users, it is expected to reach 1 billion users by 2031. During this period, the huge large-scale commercial value will be released. Perhaps in various vertical fields such as social networking and finance, countless super decentralized applications (DApps) will be achieved that surpass Meta (former Facebook), Google and other giants.

  1. Without a native “social network”, it is difficult for Web3 to form a business closed loop.

The core of the Web3 value Internet is “decentralization”, and the underlying logic is “Code is the law”, which starts from the interconnection of the infrastructure based on machines and software, which forms the native network of Web3, its essence is a computing network, and obviously computers are better at it.

So in the native Web3 world, there is no “native component” representing identity and social network, and there is no human and social network. This makes it difficult to expand and land the application of Web3 in finance and social economy, and it also makes it difficult for existing DApps to form a business closed loop because they cannot be directly linked to social networks.

To sum up, the information of investment decision-making is just needed and brought about by local social networking. We believe that this is the biggest pain point, and the pain point is the entry point. Secondly, the small scale of Web3 users and the lack of native social networks have become obstacles to the development of the Web3 industry. Providing relevant solutions is of great significance, necessity and urgency.

WeFi’s values: To be a “bridge between parallel worlds’ ‘ between Web2 and Web3.

Web2 represents the present, and Web3 is the development trend and represents the future. But the feature is not achieved overnight, it is a gradual process, and may even eventually be a state of coexistence. In fact, Web3 and Web2 are more like two worlds developing in parallel.

How ​​to bridge the gap between two parallel worlds? We believe that parallel worlds need “parallel world bridges” to form user flow, information flow and asset flow and their effective flow. This is how our value is presented.

WeFi : The vision conveyed from the LOGO:

What is WeFi?


WeFi is a global-based social investment platform. Our LOGO clearly conveys our strategic positioning. We are us, and Fi stands for Finance, covering traditional centralized finance (CeFi) and blockchain-based decentralized finance. Centralized finance (DeFi), we hope to express the following connotations:

We: We are micro-finance, social finance;
Fi: Focus on the financial vertical field, provide traditional and decentralized financial applications and services for community users, and guide and assist users to smoothly enter Web3.

How does WeFi build a “bridge between parallel worlds”?

WeFi’s strategic positioning is to focus on blockchain finance and build the world’s first Web3 decentralized social network investment platform based on the “BBS-Post Bar” model. This is mainly achieved through three steps:

  1. It is to give full play to the advantages of “BBS-Tieba” to achieve value aggregation and precipitation;
  2. To realize value transformation through the product center;
  3. Collaboration and governance, value creation and distribution are achieved through Web3 decentralization such as DAO and NFT in the ecosystem.

WeFi’s ultimate vision is: to realize the integration of Web2 and Web3 with financial vertical BBS、 NFT and DAO as the core ecological framework.

Focusing on 1000+ projects, 50+ classified popular game applications, and a batch of licensed financial products, 10,000+ communities of different sizes around the world will be formed; the fragmented financial information with BBS as the core will be aggregated to build a complete investment puzzle to realize the scientific decision-making of users’ investment. ; And provide CeFi and DeFi financial products and services to more than 500 million users in 50 countries and regions around the world.

How to bridge the gap between the two parallel worlds of Web2 and Web3 is a problem that WeFi is thinking and solving. How does the proposed “BBS-Tieba Model” balance the relationship between social interaction and investment?

Follow me, the next issue will give a detailed introduction to WeFi’s product model and business model.

Official Website: https://wefi.me/#/

Twitter: @WeFi_DAO

Discord – https://discord.com/invite/KvBEUQxCJM